The non-profit organisation HelpAge India published a study titled “Women & Ageing: Invisible or Empowered?” to commemorate World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, which is observed annually on June 15. The study found that among those who had experienced abuse, over 43% of the elderly women had experienced physical abuse, 40% emotional/psychological abuse, 32% financial exploitation, 29% neglect, and 4% had experienced sexual abuse., The non-profit organisation HelpAge India published a study titled “Women & Ageing: Invisible or Empowered?” to commemorate World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, which is observed annually on June 15. The study found that among those who had experienced abuse, over 43% of the elderly women had experienced physical abuse, 40% emotional/psychological abuse, 32% financial exploitation, 29% neglect, and 4% had experienced sexual abuse., , Read More

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