According to an official, four nations—including South Africa and India—have requested that the WTO members extend the patent waiver on Covid-19 diagnostics and treatments because the pandemic is still active and there is still a chance of new variations emerging. According to the official, these four World Trade Organisation (WTO) members brought up the proposal during a non-formal TRIPS (Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights) Council meeting in Geneva on Wednesday., According to an official, four nations—including South Africa and India—have requested that the WTO members extend the patent waiver on Covid-19 diagnostics and treatments because the pandemic is still active and there is still a chance of new variations emerging. According to the official, these four World Trade Organisation (WTO) members brought up the proposal during a non-formal TRIPS (Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights) Council meeting in Geneva on Wednesday., , Read More

AAS Yoga
Go for Euphoria – Illness to Wellness the Natural Way