Only around 40,700 women have taken the shot so far in Maharashtra, shows data. Considering the state has an estimated 20 lakh women in this category, it means barely 2% have taken the jab. In Mumbai, home to about 1.5 lakh pregnant women, only 1,278 have taken it. Nationally, over 6 lakh had taken it till September 7., Only around 40,700 women have taken the shot so far in Maharashtra, shows data. Considering the state has an estimated 20 lakh women in this category, it means barely 2% have taken the jab. In Mumbai, home to about 1.5 lakh pregnant women, only 1,278 have taken it. Nationally, over 6 lakh had taken it till September 7., , Read More
AAS Yoga
Go for Euphoria – Illness to Wellness the Natural Way