Jamia Millia Islamia is set to have a medical college soon, vice-chancellor Najma Akhtar said on Sunday during the centenary convocation where degrees were conferred on students of the 2019 and 2020 batches. Akhtar said, ” As a VC, I have always requested for a medical college, on behalf of my students and faculty. We requested the government of India for the same, and now I am happy to announce that JMI has been granted the permission to establish a medical college at the campus.”, Jamia Millia Islamia is set to have a medical college soon, vice-chancellor Najma Akhtar said on Sunday during the centenary convocation where degrees were conferred on students of the 2019 and 2020 batches. Akhtar said, ” As a VC, I have always requested for a medical college, on behalf of my students and faculty. We requested the government of India for the same, and now I am happy to announce that JMI has been granted the permission to establish a medical college at the campus.”, , Read More,

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