Musk urged users to “try submitting x-ray, PET, MRI, or other medical images to Grok for analysis,” adding that the tool “is already quite accurate and will become extremely good.” Many users responded, sharing Grok’s feedback on brain scans, fractures, and more. “Had it check out my brain tumor, not bad at all,” one user posted. However, not all experiences were positive. In one case, Grok misdiagnosed a fractured clavicle as a dislocated shoulder; in another, it mistook a benign breast cyst for testicles., Musk urged users to “try submitting x-ray, PET, MRI, or other medical images to Grok for analysis,” adding that the tool “is already quite accurate and will become extremely good.” Many users responded, sharing Grok’s feedback on brain scans, fractures, and more. “Had it check out my brain tumor, not bad at all,” one user posted. However, not all experiences were positive. In one case, Grok misdiagnosed a fractured clavicle as a dislocated shoulder; in another, it mistook a benign breast cyst for testicles., , Read More

AAS Yoga
Go for Euphoria – Illness to Wellness the Natural Way