Heartwarming: US doctor donates bone marrow to save a child’s life, Top Health News | Latest Healthcare Sector & Healthcare Industry news, Information and Updates: ET HealthWorld : ETHealthworld.com

Dr. Ali Alsamarah, a pediatric doctor in Florida, received a life-changing call informing him that he was a match for a child in need of a bone marrow transplant. Inspired by a friend’s similar act, Alsamarah decided to undergo the necessary procedures. The story was shared on the “Good News Movement” Instagram account and received widespread praise and admiration from netizens, Dr. Ali Alsamarah, a pediatric doctor in Florida, received a life-changing call informing him that he was a match for a child in need of a bone marrow transplant. Inspired by a friend’s similar act, Alsamarah decided to undergo the necessary procedures. The story was shared on the “Good News Movement” Instagram account and received widespread praise and admiration from netizens, , Read More

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