GC Khilnani, the chairman of PSRI Institute of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine who is also member of the technical advisory group of WHO Global Air Pollution and Health, said: “The impact of air pollution and increase in PM 2.5 due to fire crackers is different due to the contents in the particles. Emission from burning firecrackers have barium, potassium, sulphur along with colouring agents such as aluminium, lithium, copper, strontium and others.”, GC Khilnani, the chairman of PSRI Institute of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine who is also member of the technical advisory group of WHO Global Air Pollution and Health, said: “The impact of air pollution and increase in PM 2.5 due to fire crackers is different due to the contents in the particles. Emission from burning firecrackers have barium, potassium, sulphur along with colouring agents such as aluminium, lithium, copper, strontium and others.”, , Read More

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