A daily routine is necessary to bring radical change in your body, mind, and consciousness. Routine helps imbibe discipline and therefore improves your physical

A daily routine is necessary to bring radical change in your body, mind, and consciousness. Routine helps imbibe discipline and therefore improves your physical and psychological balance. It regularizes the biological clock, aids digestion, absorption, assimilation, generates self-esteem, discipline, peace, happiness, and longevity. ‘The Science of Life’- Ayurveda, describes the most important principles of Dinacharya (daily regimen), Ritucharya (seasonal regimen) and Sadvritta (moral code of conduct), essential to prevent lifestyle disorders such as Diabetes and Hypertension and maintain a positive mind and healthy body.

Ayurveda emphasises on “Swasthasya Swasthya Rakshanam”, which refers to protecting the health of a healthy and provides measure to support health. Further in this blog read specifics about DinacharyaRitucharya and Sadvritta, practice them and reap the benefits of staying healthy.