Family physician Dr Hillary Rodrigues said, “The cough is normally dry and gets worse while lying down. It is more pronounced at night and early morning. One of the reasons could be the increasing levels of pollutio. Smog is toxic to the lungs. Other reasons could be the extreme difference in day and night temperatures. Many asthmatic and senior citizens come up with severe cough, respiratory distress and wheezing.”, Family physician Dr Hillary Rodrigues said, “The cough is normally dry and gets worse while lying down. It is more pronounced at night and early morning. One of the reasons could be the increasing levels of pollutio. Smog is toxic to the lungs. Other reasons could be the extreme difference in day and night temperatures. Many asthmatic and senior citizens come up with severe cough, respiratory distress and wheezing.”, , Read More

AAS Yoga
Go for Euphoria – Illness to Wellness the Natural Way