
Why do we need to understand nutrition facts in the food we eat?

Have you ever wondered how quite some Okinawa Island people able to live more than 100 years of disease-free life? Indeed, it is an accurate, scientifically proven fact! The secret behind their highest longevity may be attributed to their deep knowledge of nutritional facts and culinary techniques of the food items available around them. People from this tiny Japanese island consume nutrient-rich, low-calorie diet (a diet averaging not more than one calorie/g) composed of low fat, less sugar, and sufficient in protein (available through a small quantity of fish) but lots of green/orange/yellow (GOY) vegetables, and fruits.

Many of us will be taking staycations this year, be it time off at home or time away in the UK. Hopefully we’ll have a valuable break from routine and a chance to rest, whilst we are trying to find a new ‘normal’ with the past few months having been stressful and challenging in many ways .

There are many things that we cannot control in the world right now. But I do know that one thing that you can control is how and what you eat. A healthy diet is not a diet. It’s a healthy way of eating and adopting a lifestyle that is achievable and supports you physically, mentally and emotionally.

When we take good care of ourselves, we are more likely to make healthier food choices and gain long-term health and happiness. So, I just want to share with you some tips to keep you and your family healthy during these summer months.