Bangladesh eradicates kala-azar, India on track too but challenges remain, Top Health News | Latest Healthcare Sector & Healthcare Industry news, Information and Updates: ET HealthWorld :

Bangladesh recently achieved a major public health goal when it eradicated visceral leishmaniasis, commonly known as kala-azar, raising the question of when India would wipe out the debilitating, often fatal, parasitic disease – the fight very much on but far from complete. Challenges in sustaining the momentum of the fight persist, particularly in tackling post-disease symptoms and HIV co-infections, experts said as the ‘LV spotlight’ swivelled to India., Bangladesh recently achieved a major public health goal when it eradicated visceral leishmaniasis, commonly known as kala-azar, raising the question of when India would wipe out the debilitating, often fatal, parasitic disease – the fight very much on but far from complete. Challenges in sustaining the momentum of the fight persist, particularly in tackling post-disease symptoms and HIV co-infections, experts said as the ‘LV spotlight’ swivelled to India., , Read More

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