Currently, the patients receive the life-extending immunotherapy atezolizumab in the hospital directly into their veins via a drug transfusion (intravenously), which can take from 30 minutes to up to an hour to administer. The anti-cancer jab, a subcutaneous or under-the-skin injection, is swifter and is expected to enhance the patient’s experience, a statement from NHS England said., Currently, the patients receive the life-extending immunotherapy atezolizumab in the hospital directly into their veins via a drug transfusion (intravenously), which can take from 30 minutes to up to an hour to administer. The anti-cancer jab, a subcutaneous or under-the-skin injection, is swifter and is expected to enhance the patient’s experience, a statement from NHS England said., , Read More

AAS Yoga
Go for Euphoria – Illness to Wellness the Natural Way