The two targets include Global target 5.1 which aims that by 2031, countries will have increased service coverage for epilepsy by 50 per cent from the current coverage in 2021 and secondly, and Global Target 5.2 that aims 80 per cent of countries will have developed or updated their legislation to promote and protect the human rights of people with epilepsy by 2031., The two targets include Global target 5.1 which aims that by 2031, countries will have increased service coverage for epilepsy by 50 per cent from the current coverage in 2021 and secondly, and Global Target 5.2 that aims 80 per cent of countries will have developed or updated their legislation to promote and protect the human rights of people with epilepsy by 2031., , Read More,

AAS Yoga
Go for Euphoria – Illness to Wellness the Natural Way