Advanced IOLs can create golden opportunities for active ageing adults, Top Health News | Latest Healthcare Sector & Healthcare Industry news, Information and Updates: ET HealthWorld :

​According to an Eye survey on Cataract, in India, 86% of people prioritize vision over memory and mobility as the most important aspect of aging. In addition, 90% of the people are willing to invest in cataract surgery. The implications of this patient data are important for eye care professionals because more patients are willing to invest in cataract surgery as compared to most other age-related interventions, such as dental implants or hearing aids., ​According to an Eye survey on Cataract, in India, 86% of people prioritize vision over memory and mobility as the most important aspect of aging. In addition, 90% of the people are willing to invest in cataract surgery. The implications of this patient data are important for eye care professionals because more patients are willing to invest in cataract surgery as compared to most other age-related interventions, such as dental implants or hearing aids., , Read More

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