The first instance of autotransplantation was performed on a 13-year-old patient in Korea in 2014, but the procedure was unsuccessful and the kidney had to be removed shortly after the surgery, Dr Pol told TOI. The second case involved a four-year-old girl in London in 2021, who underwent surgery for a left kidney artery aneurysm as a preventive measure, despite being asymptomatic., The first instance of autotransplantation was performed on a 13-year-old patient in Korea in 2014, but the procedure was unsuccessful and the kidney had to be removed shortly after the surgery, Dr Pol told TOI. The second case involved a four-year-old girl in London in 2021, who underwent surgery for a left kidney artery aneurysm as a preventive measure, despite being asymptomatic., , Read More

AAS Yoga
Go for Euphoria – Illness to Wellness the Natural Way