Battle brewing: Roche questions Zydus on clinical trials for its breast cancer drug Perjeta (Pertuzumab), Top Health News | Latest Healthcare Sector & Healthcare Industry news, Information and Updates: ET HealthWorld :

Global biotech giant Roche alleges Indian drug maker Zydus Lifesciences imported several vials of Perjeta, a breast cancer drug from Germany, for its clinical trials in India during August and September 2022. However, the Swiss firm claims such supplies were not from its official supply chain. Roche fears the vials may be of questionable quality, possibly compromised and spurious. Zydus has not responded to detailed questions from ETPharma., Global biotech giant Roche alleges Indian drug maker Zydus Lifesciences imported several vials of Perjeta, a breast cancer drug from Germany, for its clinical trials in India during August and September 2022. However, the Swiss firm claims such supplies were not from its official supply chain. Roche fears the vials may be of questionable quality, possibly compromised and spurious. Zydus has not responded to detailed questions from ETPharma., , Read More

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