ETHealthworld interacted with some experts from the Indian healthcare sector to explore the current status of cervical cancer in India, preventive measures, and the importance of training healthcare professionals in advocating for HPV vaccination. Healthcare professionals stress the primary preventive measure of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, recommended for girls aged 9 to 14 in two doses, six months apart, and a three-dose schedule for those aged 15 to 45., ETHealthworld interacted with some experts from the Indian healthcare sector to explore the current status of cervical cancer in India, preventive measures, and the importance of training healthcare professionals in advocating for HPV vaccination. Healthcare professionals stress the primary preventive measure of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, recommended for girls aged 9 to 14 in two doses, six months apart, and a three-dose schedule for those aged 15 to 45., , Read More
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